
Diploma Details

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unit will enable learners to explore the changing international business environment and develop knowledge and understanding of how organisations respond.

What will you learn?

- Human Resources Development (HR for Non HR Professionals)

- HR for non HR professionals
-Learn managers how to use HR management to develop their work
-Importance of HR in supporting business objectives
-How mangers us HR activates to develop their staff

- HR Strategy & Balanced Scored Cards

- How to design HR strategy
-using balanced scored cards in set HR strategy
-How to use critical success factors
-Measuring HR objectives results

- The Role of HR to support Forward Visions

-The importance of understanding forward visions
-How to support organization vision
-Country visions in Arab countries
-Mention examples of some Arab country visions

- The Role of HR to increase organizations Profitability

- Does HR management playing this role
- How to make effective HR management
- is effective HR management able to increase organization profitability?
- Samples of success stories

- Investment in Human Capital

- The importance of Human Capital
- How to invest in Human Capital
- The Difference of staff investment & expenses

- Effective Recruitment

- Recruitment Types
- Importance of effective recruitment
- How to use effective recruitment in supporting organization objectives
- Type of interview
- Induction & Integrity Codes

- Job analyses

- What is job analyses?
- Why we should use job analyses?
- How to start job analyses to design job descriptions
- Job analyses as a step in job evaluation process

- Writing Job Descriptions

- How to write job descriptions
- Importance of job descriptions
- Managers involvement in writing job descriptions
- Differences between JD and work instructions

- Design Organization Charts

- Organization Charts
- Main & Departments ORG. Charts
- Types of organization charts
- How to select best matching org. chart for organization

- Performance Management

- Needs to implement performance management system
- Link between PM and organization success
- How to use performance management to develop staff
- Performance management & Setting objectives

- Organization Performance

- Individual & organization performance
- Performance & organization culture
- How can develop organization performance
- Strategic objectives and how to reach organization performance

- Pay Related Performance (PRP)

- Fair pay for fair job
- How to use performance results in fair payments
- Types for Employee payments
- Fixed and variable payments

- Training & Development

- Training an investment or just expenses?
- How to design Training plan
- How to measure training results?
- ROI – Return of investment

- Effective Succession Planning

- What is succession planning?
- How to use succession planning in developing staff
- using succession planning in supporting business
- Differences between promotions & Succession planning

- Employee Career Path

- Why employees career path?
- Career path and employee’s satisfactions
- PM as a tool using in career path
- Training needs analyses to support career path plans

- Job Evaluation & Grading System

- What is Job evaluation?
- Job descriptions to set job evaluation system
- Job evaluation & grading system
- Types of job evaluation
- Factors are affected job evaluation process

- Policies & Work Regulations

- HR Polices
- How to build HR manual
- Importance of work policies to protect employees & organizations
- Lack of polices mean facing more business problems

- Code of Integrity & Professional Conduct

- Integrity & professional conduct
- Why Code of integrity and professional conduct
- Work environment & staff loyalty
- Integrity as a part of organization success

- Organization DNA

- What is organization DNA?
- Organization Characteristics
- Organization DNA & organization success
- Following DNA business history to reach more success

- The role of HR Management during & after Corona crises

- Time of Corona crises
- The role of HR management
- How is HR supporting Staff & Business?
- Corona and economic affects
- Corona & Politician issues
- Social effects of Corona crises
Time :
2000 EGP

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